2019 Performance Report

Growth & Income Performance Details

Sector Exposure

Top 20 Equity Holdings

Equity Geographic Exposure

Growth & Income

All Equity


The performance numbers represent Benoit Poliquin’s historical performance as a portfolio manager for the All Equity Mandates. Past performance is no indication of future performance. Performance data prior to 2011 represents Benoit Poliquin’s performance while at another investment management firm.

Exponent generally follows an actively managed investment strategy for our clients. Our geographic alloca- tion or allocation between equity and fixed income can be drastically different from the allocations set in our benchmarks. The benchmark serves as a general guideline as to how a passive investment strategy within Exponents investible universe would have performed. All of our benchmarks are created using liquid, low cost, and investible exchange traded funds (ETFs).

*The Growth and Income Benchmark is composed of 20% SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY) / 35% iShares DEX Uni- verse Bond Index Fund (XBB) / 25% iShares S&P/TSX 60 Index Fund (XIU)/ 20% iShares S&P Europe 350 Index ETF (IEV). The Growth and Income Benchmark reflects the markets to which Exponent has an opportunity to invest in, which includes an allocation to fixed income and equity.

**The All Equity Benchmark is composed of 30% SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY) / 40% iShares S&P/TSX 60 Index Fund (XIU)/ 30% iShares S&P Europe 350 Index ETF (IEV). The All Equity Benchmark reflects the markets to which Exponent has an opportunity to invest in, there is no allocation to fixed income in this strategy or benchmark.

Benchmark returns are calculated using total return. The benchmark is a passive holding with static weights to each ETF. Our strategy differs greatly from the benchmark as we actively hold individual securities. Our allocation weights can differ greatly from the chosen benchmark. All returns are calculated net of fees.

Note: Information contained in this report was obtained from sources which we believe to be reliable. This information may be incomplete. This report was prepared to make it easier to ascertain our historical performance. We must underline the fact that our liability shall be only attached to the accuracy of the data